Case Studies

Mystery Shopping for Government Agency

Increasing citizen satisfaction with regional government services


This regional government wanted to be sure their offices were providing the high level of service their citizens deserve. So they contacted A Customer’s Point of View find out how they were doing…


Managing a local or regional government is a monumental task…and a huge responsibility. You need to keep track of countless departments, offices and agencies, many of which manage critical services that affect the quality of life of your citizens. This regional government came to us with some specific concerns.

They wanted to make sure that their employees were properly educated on department processes and procedures.

And that they had enough general knowledge to answer citizens questions satisfactorily and in a timely manner. The project covered a huge range of services, from animal shelters to public libraries, so this wasn’t an easy mystery shop. But we were up to the task.


  • Increased Citizen Satisfaction scores
  • Uncovered correctable sources of declining sales
  • Improved audit performance across all areas and offices

The program was built around a combination of in-person mystery shops and mystery calls.

For each department, we developed custom questions to test their knowledge, such as:

  • Library: I am interested in learning French. What resources do you have to help me?
  • Parks Dept: I want to rent a pavilion for a birthday party. How do I do it?
  • Tax Office: How do I go about applying for Homestead Exemption?
  • Water Dept: I’m moving into the area next month. What do I need to do to get water service started at my new residence?

Discover why your sales aren’t
meeting expectations.


  • We created a custom ranking system to evaluate performance. During the first round of visits, the offices averaged an 84 on our scale.
  • After retraining and educational procedures were rolled out, the scores improved to 94, an increase of 12%.
  • More importantly, Citizen Satisfaction scores increased across the board in the year following our mystery shopping program!
  • This program– like all of our programs– was designed to meet our client’s specific needs.
  • But this type of audit could be helpful to any type of office or call center that prioritizes providing high-quality service to its visitors.